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Faith, Islam, Ikhsan

Written By Aajum on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 | 7:29 AM

From Umar rodhiyallohu'anhu also, he said: On a day when we sat near Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam, suddenly appeared a man dressed in a very white and very black hair. In himself invisible scars of a long journey and there is no one among us who knew him. Then he sat in front of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam, then mendempetkan both knees to knees of the Prophet, and put both his hands on her thighs, then said: "O Muhammad, describe to me about Islam." Then Rosululloh shollallohu'alaihi wasallam replied: "Islam ie: you shall testify there is no god to be worshiped but Allah haq and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. You shall establish prayer, pay Zakat, fast during Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to the house of Allah, if you are able to do it. "People said: 'You're right." We were amazed, because he is asked and he also justify it. The man asked again: "Then you thought about faith". (Rosululloh) replied: "You shall believe in Allah, believe in His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and you shall have faith taqdir good and bad." People had said: "you're right." Then the man asked again: "Then you thought about ihsan." (He) said: "you shall worship Allah as if you see Him. But if you can not (worship as if) see Him, verily He sees you. "The man said again:" Tell me about the Hour. "(He) mejawab:" People who asked not know better than to ask. "The man then said:" Tell me the signs. "(He) said:" If the slave gave birth to her master, and you see people barefoot Bedouin, the poor shepherd again competing in the building. "Then the man was gone, while I remained for some time. Then the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam said: "O Umar, do you know who the person who asked it?". I replied: "Allah and His Prophet know better." Then he said: "He was the angel Gabriel who came to you to teach you your religion." (HR. Muslims). 

Position Hadith 
2nd hadith material is very important so that some scholars call "Mother sunnah", because the entire Sunnah passed away to this hadith. 

Islam, Iman, and Ihsan 
This religion include three things, namely: Islam, Iman and Ihsan. Talking about the birth of Islam, the faith talk about inward, and ihsan includes both. 
Ihsan has a higher position than faith, and faith have a higher position than Islam. It is not to late-Islam considered valid unless there is her faith, because the consequences of creed includes the physical and spiritual. Similarly, faith is not valid unless there is Islam (within limits at least), because faith is born and inner covers. 

The prosecution of science should understand that sometimes part of a religious term is the term itself, like the example above.

Faith Increases and Decreases 
Ahl set rule that if the term Islam and Iman are mentioned together, then each has its own pegerttian, but if one of them is mentioned, it includes the other. Faith is said to be increased and decreased, but not to say that Islam increases and decreases, whereas the essence of both is the same. This is due to the aim to distinguish between the Ahl Murjiáh. Murjiáh recognize that Islam (born deeds) can be increased and decreased, but they do not acknowledge can increase and decrease in faith (inner practice). While Ahl believe that both can be increased and decreased. 

The term Five Pillars of Islam and the Five Pillars of Faith 
The term "Pillars" is basically a result of the scholars of ijtihad to facilitate understanding the deen. Pillars mean something that is a prerequisite for the occurrence of something that, if the pillars are not there then something is not harmonious terjadi.Istilah like this could be applied to the Five Pillars of Faith, meaning that if one of the Five Pillars of Faith does not exist, then imanpun no. As for the pillars of the pillars of Islam, the term is not absolutely true, meaning that although one of the Pillars of Islam there, still allowing Islam still exists. 

So should we understand this deen terms made ​​by the scholars, but these terms should not be a judge because she still had to refer to the provisions of the deen, so if there is a mismatch between the term artificial scholars with the provisions of the deen, deen provision was won . 

Minimum Limits of Legal Faith 

1 Faith in God. 
Faith in God Rububiyyah valid if faithful to Him, His Uluhiyyah, and asthma 'and His nature. 

2 Faith in Angels. 
Faith in Angels valid if faithful that God created beings called angels as servants who always obeyed, and among them there were ordered to escort revelations. 

3 Faith in the Books. 
Faith in books of legitimate if faith that Allah has revealed the Book which is His revelation to some servant who serves as an apostle. Among the book of Allah is Al-Quran. 

4 Faith of the Apostles. 
Faith in the apostles valid if faithful that God sent his servant to man their part to get the revelation communicated to humans, and the sending of the apostles has been closed with the coming of Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam. 

5. Faith in the Last Day. 
Faith in the Last Day valid if faithful that God makes a future as a place for human menghisab, they are raised from the grave and returned to him to get a reply for his kindness and goodness above replies ugliness ugliness, good (believers) to go to heaven and bad (unbelievers) go to hell. It happened at the end of the day. 

6 Faith taqdir. 
Faith in taqdir valid if faithful that God has mengilmui everything prior to then he arranged with his will all that will happen after that God created everything that had been predetermined. 

Thus faith is a legitimate requirement, so with that all said to be entitled to a believer. As for the rest of one's faith level varies according to many and she least exert obligations associated with the heart, lesannya, and limbs. 

taqdir Bad 
Taqdir bad in terms of the creature. As viewed from the creator taqdir, then everything is fine. 

meaning of Ihsan 
A charity said hasan enough if intentional sincere for God, while the rest is perfection ihsan. Perfection ihsan includes 2 circumstances: 

1 maqom Muraqobah is constantly being watched and cared for by God in every activity, a higher position. 

2 maqom Musyahadah is always consider the attributes of God, and link all of its activities with these properties. 

Source: Summary of An-Nawawi Sharh Arba'in - Shaykh Salih Sheikh Alu Hafizhohulloh - 

Authors: Ustadz Abu Isa ibn Salam Abdulloh (Lecturer Ma'had Ihyaus Sunnah, Tasikmalaya)
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