Hadith of the Prophet SAW
Abu Abdirrohman, Abdulloh rodhiyallohu'anhu bin Mas'ud, he said: "Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam has said to us and he is the one who is always right and justified:' Surely every man of you gathered it happened in the mother's womb during a four forty days in the form of nuthfah (semen), then became 'alaqoh (blood clot) during that time (forty days), then became mudhghoh (piece of meat) during that time, then diutuslah an angel to him, then the angels breathe spirit to him and he was ordered to write four sentences: write fortunes, his death, his charity, and unfortunately fate or luck. So for the sake of Allah is no god but Him, indeed there are some of you who do practice the deeds of the people of Paradise and held it to heaven so that the distance between him and heaven less one cubit, but because taqdir which has been set on him, and he did a hell of practice population so he went into it. And indeed there is one among you who do deeds of charity resident of hell and it held it to hell so that the distance between him and hell just about one cubit, but because taqdir who have ditetapka on him, then he did the deeds people of Paradise so that he entered into it. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
Position Hadith
This hadith is in chapter taqdir base, ie when the hadith mentions that the fetus taqdir include 4 things: rizqinya, his death, his charity, and happy or disastrous.
Fetal development
Perfectly into the fetus before the fetus through the 3 phases, namely: semen, blood clot, then a lump of flesh. Each length of 40 days.
Fetus before the perfect human form also had 3 phases, namely:
1 Taswir, which is drawn in the form of lines, time after 42 days.
2 Al-Khalq, which made his body parts.
3 Al-Barú, namely refinement.
Allah says in Surah Al-Hashr: 24, suggests three processes.
Ruh relationship with the bodies of
Spirit of the bodies have different relevance according to the circumstances and time in the form of relation 4:
1 When in the womb. Their relationship is weak. Dominance of life when it is in the body.
2 When in the natural world. Dominance of life when it is in the body. While the relationship between the two bodies in accordance with the needs of life.
3 When in nature barzah. Life when it is in the spirit of domination.
4 When in the netherworld. When life was perfect on both. At this time their relationship is very strong.
Kinds of Writing taqdir
God wrote taqdir in 4 forms, namely:
1 taqdir saabiq, namely writing taqdir for all beings in lahw Mahfudz 50 thousand years before the creation of the earth and the sky.
2 taqdir Umri, namely writing taqdir to the fetus when she was 4 months.
3 taqdir sanawi, namely writing taqdir for all beings every year on the night of Tatyana qodr.
4. taqdir yaumi, namely the writing of any incident every day.
These four kinds of writing that allows for changes taqdir except on taqdir Sabiq. As Allah says: (Surah Ar-Ra'd: 39).
Taqdir God was not as coercion, Allah knows better servants who deserve to get the good and the not.
Fruit Faith taqdir
Faith in taqdir will produce a deep fear of the fate of the end of his life and foster high motivation to do good and focused in obedience for the sake of hoping khusnul Khitmah.
Faith in taqdir not a reason to engage in immoral and lazy. Hearts of the righteous among the 2 state, which is worried about what has been written for him or worry about what will happen at the end of his life. Sabiqin his first state of the state and the 2nd heart abrar.
Secret Khusnul Khitmah and Suúl Khitmah
Included among the perfection of God's servant is created with a variety of circumstances. Among his servant there is khusnul Khitmah as gracious that after filling out a sheet full of evil life and among servants there is suúl Khitmah as justice only after filling his sheets filled with obedience. Servant on the type of the latter could be intrinsically evil stored in his heart that then arises is born at the end of his life. Because in the history of the Prophet states that good practice is simply that appear in humans.
Source: Summary of An-Nawawi Sharh Arba'in - Shaykh Salih Sheikh Alu Hafizhohulloh -
Authors: Ustadz Abu Isa ibn Salam Abdulloh (Lecturer Ma'had Ihyaus Sunnah, Tasikmalaya
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