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Let's Spend The Way We treasure God

Written By Aajum on Thursday, August 2, 2012 | 2:42 AM

السلا م عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهان الحمد لله و شكور الله ولا حول ولا قوة الا باللهاشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمدارسول اللهاللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله و صحبه اجمعينقال الله تعلى في القران العظيم
"O ye who believe, do not eliminate (reward) alms to mention it and hurt (feelings of the recipient), as people who spend their wealth Because riya to humans, and he does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. So it's like the parable of the slippery rocks on which there is land, then the stone was replaced heavy rain, and then he takes on a clean (not landed). they do not control nothing of what they earn, and Allah guideth not the disbelieving people "[168]. (Surah 2: 264)[168] It does not benefit them in the world of their efforts and are not rewarded in the afterlife.

Of Abu Dhar r.a. said, that the friends of the Prophet. said to him: "O Messenger of Allah., rich people have been left with many rewards. They pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, but they can give alms to the advantages of fortune. "Messenger of Allah. said, "Has not God made you something that can wherewithal? That is, each time the rosary is a charity, every tahmid is charity, every tahlil is charity, told the goodness is charity, forbidding munkar is charity, and your intimate relationship (with wife) is a charity. "The Companions asked," O Allah, what is one of us to vent syahwatnya and he be rewarded? "Messenger of Allah. replied, "What do you think if he vent syahwatnya on illicit, if he sinned? Likewise, if out on a lawful, then he gets the reward. "(Narrated by Muslim)Asbabul Wurud HadithThis hadith is the answer to question some of the immigrants are poor, where they are 'forced' to leave their possessions in Mecca, so they will not be bershadaqah. When they came out to question the Messenger of Allah., He gave an answer that can soothe the soul and mind.Meaning of the hadeethThis hadith appears against a background of 'heart distress' friends, when they feel can not be optimal in the worship of Allah swt .. Because they feel that their friends who have excess property, then the property menshadaqahkan, will surely get a degree that more noble in the sight of Allah swt .. Because they perform the prayer, fasting, but they give alms, while we have not charity, this friend said.Finally, the Messenger of Allah. as a true murabbi provide motivation and encouragement so that they are not desperate, and provide a way out for these companions. The solution is that they can bershadaqah with anything, even including the intimate relationship of husband and wife. Therefore implied that the Messenger of Allah. ask them to look for opportunities padai-clever 'reward' in all activities of daily life, so that all the above counts as Sadaqah.Sanad HadithThe above hadith has a full sanad (as contained in the Sahih Muslim, Kitab Al-Zakat, Sadaqah Ismas Chapter Bayan Anna Nau Yaqa'u Ala Kulli 'Minal Ma'ruf, Hadith No. 1006).
Overview About HadithThis hadith gives a broad overview of the meaning of sadaqah. Because it illustrated that Sadaqah includes all the joints of human life. Not just limited to the meaning menginfakkan money in the way of Allah, provide livelihood to the poor or things like. But more than that, that Sadaqah includes all kinds of dhikr (prayer beads, and tahlil tahmid), enjoining unjust, even intimate relationship with a husband and wife is also a Sadaqah. Hence, the Messenger of Allah. implicitly asked his companions to be very clever to take advantage of all the activities of life to always bernuansakan worship. So no need to 'upset' with wealthy people who always give alms to the treasure. Because the meaning of Sadaqah is not restricted to a wealth Sadaqah.Definition of SadaqahIn general terms menginfakkan Sadaqah has property in the way of Allah swt .. Both directed to the poor, relatives, or for the benefit of jihad fi sabilillah. Sadaqah meaning it often gives the property to show the meaning of certain terms in the way of Allah., As found in many verses in the Qur'an. Among them is Al-Baqarah (2): 264 and Al-Tawbah (9): 60.The second paragraph above illustrates that the Sadaqah has meaning to donate money in the way of Allah swt. Even in the second paragraph, in particular is a significant Sadaqah charity. In fact many verses and hadiths that speak about charity, but is expressed by the term Sadaqah.In language, derived from the word sadaqah shidq true meaning. And according to Al-Qadi Abu Bakr ibn Arabi, right here is right in relation to sejalannya deeds and sayings and beliefs. In a sense like this, likened Sadaqah in the Hadith: "And Sadaqah is a burhan (proof)." (Narrated by Muslim).Between income, zakat, infak, and Sadaqah has its own meaning in the discussion of the books of fiqh.Living in terms of etymology comes from the Arabic: al-Infaq meaning: Expenditures. And the word is not used unless infaq in terms of goodness. Meanwhile, according to the terminology of livelihood are: all forms of human shopping for himself and his family of food, clothing, and shelter.Income is divided in two:A. . Earning an income is required of a man against himself when he is able, this income must come before he provide for others. Rasulullah SAW said: "Thumma binafsik Ibda biman ta'ulu", artnya start from yourself and your family.2. Maintenance required of a person against another person. maintenance obligation towards others is due to three factors: marriage, relationships and relationships descendants of slavery (al-milk). Actual slavery was forbidden by Islam because Islam has been equated the social status of man, it's just always discuss fiqh law of slavery as a control to the system of slavery that still exist in a society, in order to avoid arbitrariness. because the system of slavery is not erased just after the arrival of Islam. This is due to the system of slavery has become a social tradition that is rooted the days long before Islam came.Zakat is an obligation on a certain property within a certain time and for specific groups. By Language (lughat), means: to grow; developing and blessings (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi) or could also mean clean or purify:
 "Take alms from their wealth, the charity that you are clean (ie: it cleans them alms of avarice and love of exaggeration to the property) and purify them (meaning: that charity fosters good qualities in their hearts and develop their property), and pray for them. Surely prayer you that (a) peace for their souls. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. "(Surah At Tawbah 103)Zakat is the name of a particular property that has reached a certain condition (nishab) which Allah required to be issued and given to their owners with certain requirements as well (Surah 9:103 and QS. 30:39)Infaq anfaqa derived from the word which means removing something (property) for the sake of something. According to the terminology of the Shari'a, infaq means removing a portion of the assets or revenue / income for an interest in Islam ordered. If there nishabnya zakat, infaq not know nishab.Infaq issued every man of faith, both high-and low-income, whether he is in the field as well as narrow (Qur'an 3:134)Infak thus has a wider meaning of zakat, which issued a property or spend money. There is a mandatory infak, sunnah and permissible. Infak must include zakat, expiation, infak for the family and so on. Infak infak sunnah is highly recommended to carry it out, but not the obligation, such as infak to preach, the mosque and so on. While infak infak is not permissible in the category of obligatory and sunnah, and there is no suggestion in verse and hadith textual, such as infak to take a bite to eat and so forth.Sadaqah is more extensive than just charity or infak. Because Sadaqah does not only mean removing or donated property. However Sadaqah includes any charity or good deeds. Described in a hadith, "Give a smile to your brother is Sadaqah."Sadaqah meaning contained in the above hadith is referring to the meaning of sadaqah above. Even implicitly intended Sadaqah in the Hadith are all forms of kindness performed by every Muslim in order to seek the pleasure of Allah swt. Either in the form of worship or acts that are seen as a form taqarrub lahiriyah to God Almighty., Or in the form of activity which does not seem like bertaqarrub lahiriyah to God, such as intimate relationship of husband and wife, work, etc.. All of this activity is worth worship Allah swt.Various Kinds of SadaqahProphet. in the above hadith describes the scope of Sadaqah is so vast, in response to distress the hearts of the companions who are unable to maximum bershadaqah with his property, because they are not the ones that include lots of treasure. Then the Messenger of Allah. explained that the Sadaqah includes:A. Beads, Tahlil and TahmidProphet. describes the initial description of the Sadaqah that every rosary, tahlil and tahmid is Sadaqah. Therefore they 'asked' to reproduce the rosary, and tahmid tahlil, or even other dhikr-remembering. Because all of these will be worth remembering in the worship of Allah swt. In another report described:Of 'A'ishah, that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Behold, created out of every son of Adam are three hundred and sixty joints. If anyone bertakbir, bertahmid, glorify, beristighfar, remove stones, thorns or bones from the road, enjoining unjust, then it will count a number of three hundred and sixty joints. And he was walking on that day, while he freed himself from the Fire. "(Narrated by Muslim)Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu Dharr, the Prophet declared: "if unable to give alms to the treasure, then read the prayer beads, Takbir, tahmid, tahlil, sexual intercourse, or enjoining conduct charity is there evil".In a hadith the Prophet give an answer to the poor people are jealous of rich people are much bershadaqah with his property, he said: "Every rosary is a sadaqah, every Takbir sadaqah, every tahmid Sadaqah, each commanding the good is a sadaqah, sadaqah and forbidding the evil nahi channel syahwatnya wife Sadaqah ". (Narrated by Muslim)2. Amar Ma'ruf Nahi unjustHaving said that dhikr is a Sadaqah, the Messenger of Allah. explained that enjoin unjust also a Sadaqah. Due to the realization enjoin unjust, someone needs to spend energy, thoughts, time, and feelings. And all these things count as Sadaqah. Even when examined in depth, these people got the nickname 'khairu ummah', because it has a mission of doing good and avoiding wrongdoing. In one of his verses of Allah. said:"You are the best people are born for the man, sent to the ma` ruf, and prevent it from being evil, and faith in God. Had the Book believed, it would have been better for them: among them who believe, and most of them are wicked people. "[QS. Ali Imran (3): 110]3. Intimate relationships Husband and WifeThe above hadith even describe the relationship of husband and wife is Sadaqah. One view is quite foreign to the ear of his friend, until they asked, "Is one of us to vent and get his syahwatnya Sadaqah?" Then the Prophet wisely. replied, "What do you think if he took it out on a forbidden place, whether he got sin? So also when he took it out on the halal, he will be rewarded. "This is where they came to realize that the meaning of sadaqah is very broad. That all forms of activity undertaken by a man, and sincere as God intended, and did not violate his Islamic, then it will count as Sadaqah.In addition to the above forms are depicted the Prophet. categorized as sadaqah, there are other hadith texts that illustrate that it is a Sadaqah, which are:4. Work and to provide for his relativesIt is as stated in a hadith: From Al-Miqdan bin Al-Zubaidi Ma'dikarib ra, of the Prophet. said, "there is not one of the most noble work done by a person rather than the work done from his own hand. And not someone spend their wealth on themselves, their families, children and servants, but will be Sadaqah. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah)5. Helping other people's businessOf Abdillah bin Qais bin Salim Al-Madani, of the Prophet Muhammad. that he said, "Every Muslim must bershadaqah." Someone asked, "What do you think, O Messenger of Allah, if he did not get (property which may wherewithal)?" Messenger of Allah. said: "Working with his own hands and then he used it to her and give alms." Someone asked, "What if he is unable, O Messenger of Allah.?" He said, "Helping people in need of more teranaiaya." Someone asked , "What if he is unable, O Messenger of Allah.?" He said, "Bring on the doing good or good." Someone asked, "What if he is unable, O Messenger of Allah.?" he answers, " Refrain from bad deeds, it is sadaqah. "(Narrated by Muslim)6. Mengishlah two people who disagreeDescribed in a hadith by the Prophet.: From Abu Hurairah ra said that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Every segment-segment joints of every human being is Sadaqah. Every day when the sun rises is a Sadaqah, mengishlah among men (the odds are sadaqah). "(Narrated by Bukhari)7. Visit the sickIn a hadith the Prophet. He said: From Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah ra said, I heard the Messenger of Allah. said, "Whoever is menginfakkan excess substance in the way of Allah., God will multiply it by seven hundred (-fold). And whoever is berinfak for themselves and their families, or visit the sick, or get rid of the thorn, then get the goodness and kindness to ten times as much. Fasting is a shield as long as he does not ruin it. And whoever does God test with a test on a physical, then it will be penggugur (his sins). "(Narrated by Ahmad)8. Sweet-faced or give a smileIn a hadith the Prophet. He said: Abu Dharr r.a. said that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Do not underestimate a good one. If he does not get it, then let him see his brother when he met with a friendly face, and if you buy meat, or cook with pots / pans, then multiply the sauce and give to the neighbor from her. "(Narrated by Turmudzi)9. Competing in the daily practice (read: yaumiyah)In an illustrated history: From Abu Hurairah ra said that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Who among you is fasting this morning?" Abu Bakr replied, "I, O Messenger of Allah." Messenger of Allah. said, "Who are these days who delivered the bodies of the dead?" Abu Bakr replied, "I, O Messenger of Allah." Messenger of Allah. asked, "Which one of you that today feed the poor?" Abu Bakr replied, "I, O Messenger of Allah." Messenger of Allah. asked, "Which one of you that today it has turned the sick?" Abu Bakr replied, "I, O Messenger of Allah." Then the Messenger of Allah. said, "It is above all the charity collected in a person but he will enter Paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari)10. Sodaqoh month of RamadanThe Holy Prophet said: "Whoever gives food to people who break their satisfaction, then he gets his reward, and reward for the person (receiving meals) fasting is not reduced at all" (Narrated by Tirmidhi)The difference can also be observed were:A. Any form of shopping that is a living human being to himself and his family of food, clothing, and shelter.2. Zakat, are required and the provisions / limits the amount of treasure to be due, and who can accept.3. Infaq, voluntary contributions or seikhlasnya (matter).4. Sadaqah, wider than infaq, because the wherewithal not only restricted to materialFunction, Livelihoods, Zakat, Sadaqah Infaq andFor those who spendFirst, the manifestation of gratitude for the overflow of God Almighty ni'mat countless (Sura 14:34), both physically and mentally (Sura 31:20), a ni'mat faith and Islam (Sura 3:164), vision, hearing, and sense of mind (Sura 16:78), good wives (Sura 30:21), Rizqi fruits (Sura 2:21), etc..Second, the Liberator of perdition (Sura 2:195), fear and sadness (Sura 2:274).Third, cleaning property, and calming the soul penyuci (Sura 9:103).Fourth, Peneguh position in the land (Sura 22:41).Fifth, multiple Folder Rizqi (Sura 2:261, 265; 30:39).For All ReceiveFirst, tackling poverty.Second, the embodiment of love and mutual help fellow Muslims, between the rich (have excess assets) and poor (lack of assets), as proof of the brotherhood of believers (Sura 49:10; 9:71).
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